Satisfy Your Hunger With These Fallout Inspired Creations

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Avtor: Frank Hunt
Datum Ustvarjanja: 17 Pohod 2021
Datum Posodobitve: 25 December 2024
Fallout Anthology by tomatoanus in 2:16:21 - AGDQ2020
Video.: Fallout Anthology by tomatoanus in 2:16:21 - AGDQ2020

Hunger. Hunger never changes, but the foods that we crave certainly do. Looking for a change from your normal fare? Try out these recipes inspired by foods and drinks from the Fallout series.

First up is a dish created after the Mirelurk Cake by Gary Staley. Mirelurks are large mutated crustaceans, presumably radiated crabs and lobsters, with hardened shells. When killed, they can drop Mirelurk meat, which can be made into Mirelurk Cakes. According to the chef, the only change from the original game recipe is switching out green onion for sea greens and reducing the proportions. Sounds tasty.

Da bi odstranili vse rahle ostanke, preden smo se premaknili na naslednji tečaj, imamo tekočo pripravo. Dobrodošli Dirty Wastelander, ki ga je ustvaril Josh McCleary. Dirty Wastelander, ki vsebuje meto, jagode in kolo, bo zagotovo očistil vašo paleto in vas osrečil v pustolovščini. Za tiste, ki si želijo uživati ​​v pustinji, ne da bi se umazali, je ustvaril čistega pustinjca.

Zadnje jedi izvirajo iz "Prezrelega Geeka" in temelji na Radstagu, mutiranem jelenu z dvema glavama. V spremstvu zgodbe o Daring Do, bo ta recept Radstag Stew zagotovo zadovoljen. Za Radstag je zamenjal redno, brez sevanja divjačino, obogaten in prepričan, da bo v hladni nočni pustinji ogrel trebuh.

Ali boste delali katero od teh dobrot? Sporočite nam, kako se izkažejo!