New game Monster Hunter Cross coming to Nintendo 3DS

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Avtor: Tamara Smith
Datum Ustvarjanja: 19 Januar 2021
Datum Posodobitve: 22 Januar 2025
Monster Hunter Generations — новый вид охотника! (Nintendo 3DS)
Video.: Monster Hunter Generations — новый вид охотника! (Nintendo 3DS)

Nintendo Direct often brings with it a small treasure trove of surprises or shock reveals. This year was no different – yesterday Nintendo unveiled the Japanese release date on a shiny new installment to one of their most popular and iconic series, Monster Hunter X (Cross) alongside a dazzling reveal trailer.

The series seems to be attempting to bring a gameplay flair that has become characteristic of the Monster Hunter MMORPG 'Monster Hunter Frontier'. Cross heavily features and emphasizes a sparkly new array of attacks for each weapon, seen in the above video.

Though the gameplay seems to have been given something of an overhaul with some ostentatious and awe-inspiring attacks, Nintendo still made sure give some love to the thing that makes Monster Hunter what it is for so many of it's millions-strong fan-base – the Monsters. Showing off the four beasts that would act as the game's flagship creatures and spearhead the charge against unwitting Hunters still playing around with their flashy new weapons.

Kristalinasto videti Wyvern, velikan Mamut, prevelik vodni plesni redek in brutalce T-Rexa, ki bi vse ugledne Deviljhe zavlekle in pobegnile. To so bili glavni igralci priklopnika, na katerem je bilo tudi nekaj novih, nevidnih sovražnikov, o katerih ni znanih trenutnih podrobnosti, kot tudi množica vračnih imen, kot so Rathalos, Rathian, Agnaktor, Tigrex, in - kar se tiče navodil mnogih - četrta generacija originalnega Najarala.

Ne zavrzite svoje kopije Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate samo še, čeprav. Križ ni predvideno, da bo trajalo vse do hladnih zimskih mesecev - in to je samo na Japonskem, kdo ve, kdaj in če bo prišlo do lokalizacije, in zahod bo dobil priložnost, da se poda v igro, v vas, Ariou, kot tudi v množico drugih vasi iz preteklih iger, ki jih je obljubil Nintendo.

Ne glede na možne teorije, ki bi lahko bile ali bi morale biti, da se zahodni ljubitelji vse bolj priljubljenega franšize pripravljajo o njegovem čezmorskem datumu izdaje, ena stvar zagotovo - Križ Prikolico je pri številnih lovcih zažarila iskra in jih pozvala, naj zgrabijo svoj brus, izostrijo svoj veliki mač in se pripravijo, da bi udarili v nekaj pošastnih lobanj.