No Steam Machine for Valve, says Co-Founder Gabe Newell

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Avtor: Morris Wright
Datum Ustvarjanja: 27 April 2021
Datum Posodobitve: 18 Januar 2025
No Steam Machine for Valve, says Co-Founder Gabe Newell - Igre
No Steam Machine for Valve, says Co-Founder Gabe Newell - Igre

The announcement of Steam Machines, along with Steam OS and the Steam Controller, has sparked curiosity in the eyes of many. Steam Machines, specifically, gathered a lot of attention in the gaming world as to whether these machines could keep up with their PC counterparts. As we've seen the machines prove themselves as viable options for non-PC gamers, many wanted to know whether that meant Valve was going into the hardware business by creating their own machines.

Gabe Newell removed doubt at CES on Monday. He stated that he sees Valve playing more of a supportive role in the race.

“I mean, we’ve made 300 [machines], which is a very tiny step,' newell='' said.='' 'we’ll='' make='' what='' we='' need='' to.='' we='' really='' view='' our='' role='' in='' this='' as='' enabling.='' so='' we’ll='' do='' whatever='' is='' going='' to='' be='' helpful='' to='' other='' hardware='' manufacturers='' –='' whether='' that’s='' with='' controller='' design='' or='' building='' specific='' kinds='' of=''>

Torej Valve nima nobenih takojšnjih načrtov, da bi svoje predale potrošnikom ponudil, ampak Newell je tudi dejal, da bodo še naprej delali, kar morajo storiti in sprejemati te odločitve na poti.

"To bomo še naprej sprejemali," je dejal Newell. "Zadovoljni smo bili z rezultati razvoja strojne opreme s strankami. Imamo načrte za izgradnjo več strojev, vendar pričakujemo, da bodo uporabniki resnično zadovoljni s ponudbo teh proizvajalcev strojne opreme."

To je dobra novica v mojih očeh, ker mislim, da bi se Valve moral držati najboljših. So odlični pri ponujanju podpore za Steam na PC-ju, ki je najboljša digitalna distribucijska storitev za igre na trgu. Steam OS ima potencial, da je tudi odličen operacijski sistem, vendar le, če Valve ostane osredotočen, kar je na srečo to, kar se zdi, da delajo.

Kaj menite o tem, da Valve ne bo izstopil iz dirke strojne opreme / konzole? Kakšne so vaše misli? Komentar spodaj!